About me Robyn Treasures for Thematic Teaching

It just takes a little push forward!

I am a wife. I am a Mum. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a friend.  I am a teacher.  I am an author. Yes, an author!

Yesterday I heard that my first text book that I helped co-author went into print and 67075 copies were ordered.  Ten years ago I would never ever have dreamed of adding ‘author’ to my CV.  Accepting that first offer to write was daunting, but having one of my best friends co-author with me, helped me to take the initial plunge.  She had written a few text books before and guided me along the way.  Looking back, I am so grateful for that push forward and all her encouragement and support she continually gives me.

Some background about me. I am a stay-at-home mum.  We struggled to have my son and I really wanted to be able to stay at home and spend time with him.  To do this though, I have had to put on hold one of my big loves, teaching.  While at home, I have looked for ways to keep in touch and still be part of the profession I am so passionate about.  Getting my honours degree in inclusive education, writing textbooks, mentoring adults studying to be teachers, creating my own resources and selling them online, are all ways that I have kept myself involved in education.

So, here is my next little push forward. I am setting up my first blog.

I have always loved teaching in themes. Planning and preparing themes to teach in my classroom has always filled me with great excitement.  Finding things online or in the shops that can enhance the theme that I am working on, makes my heart want to burst with happiness.   Although I have never actually won the lotto jackpot, I often imagine that this feeling I get is probably pretty similar to the feeling I would have if I actually won that jackpot.  I know I sound completely crazy, but I am sure there are some of you out there who get me.  So for those of you who do, this blog is for you.

My aim for this blog is to share ideas that I have or found that would help with the themes that you may have in your classroom, children’s parties, activities to do at home with your kids and more.

So here it goes, my first blog post is published and yes another little push forward for me!


Update: Since writing this post, I have been blessed with a second son. Taking on life with two boys is going to be an exciting journey!


One Response

  1. What a lovely introduction to you my friend. So proud to call you one of my bests. Can’t wait to read more as it develops!

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Hi, I'm Robyn

Owner and founder of Treasures for Thematic Teaching.  I live in South Africa with my husband and two sons.  I started Treasures for Thematic Teaching, while staying at home with my two young children.  My goals are simple.  To make good quality, user friendly resources that save educators time and help to engage students and assist in making learning exciting and fun.

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